MAP Program Awarded $13.2 Million Grant

Vancouver, WA  September 10, 2007

The Mentoring Advanced Placement™ (MAP) program has secured one of the first-ever grants from the National Math and Science Initiative’s (NMSI) Advanced Placement training and incentive program. MAP started in 2005 with seven volunteer mentors from nLIGHT focused on supporting high school students taking Advanced Placement™ courses in Vancouver, WA. MAP now is an independent non-profit organization and will expand to serve students across Washington State.

NMSI is a major new non-profit organization designed to help America maintain its global leadership position in technological innovation. MAP and only six other states programs were selected to receive the first grants given by NMSI.  These grants will each provide up to $13.2 million over the next six years to state non-profit entities to help fund training and incentive programs for AP® and Pre-AP® courses. Research demonstrates that students who have access to strong AP® programs are more prepared to do college level work in math, science, and engineering.

Launched in March 2007, NMSI was developed in response to the call for action by the National Academies’ 2005 blue ribbon panel report, Rising Above the Gathering Storm. According to the panel of 20 experts, improving American students’ performance in math and science coursework is the most effective way to increase the United States’ global competitiveness. Exxon Mobil Corporation announced its support for the initiative with a commitment of $125 million. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation have also joined as funders.

“We are thrilled to receive this grant and significantly expand MAP by adding teacher training and incentives to our mentoring services,” said Scott Keeney, MAP founder and CEO of nLIGHT. “With this grant MAP will be able to help many more students succeed in rigorous coursework that will prepare them to compete in the global economy.”

About the National Math and Science Initiative (NMSI)
NMSI is an innovative non-profit organization created to scale programs proven to positively impact math and science education in the U.S.  For more information about NMSI, please visit their website at

About Mentoring Advanced Placement™ (MAP)
Launched in 2005, Mentoring Advanced Placement™ (MAP) is a unique, business-education non-profit organization that works with school districts, teachers, high school students, and professionals from the business world to bring real-world relevance, rigor, and relationships to the classroom.  Its mission is to challenge high school students to succeed in more rigorous academic subjects to prepare them to become future leaders and innovators in the global economy.  MAP does this through a combination of student mentoring, teacher training, and incentives.  For more information about MAP, please visit their website at


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