Ultrafast Laser Pumping

nLIGHT’s element semiconductor lasers are enabling the world’s leading ultrafast laser systems for micromachining, medical and scientific applications.  For picosecond and femtosecond lasers where uptime and consistent performance are critical, nLIGHT pump diodes are the clear choice.

System architectures using Yb:YAG gain media can be pumped with nLIGHT’s market leading brightness and efficiency at either 940 nm or 969 nm.  Wavelength stabilized products are available at power levels up to 205 W in 105 µm core fiber or 230 W in 200 µm fiber while operating at an electrical to optical efficiency of 55%.  Through many years of experience optimizing VBG stabilized diode design and manufacturing, nLIGHT’s element product line enables low quantum defect pumping with excellent beam quality.

For high power Ytterbium fiber laser architectures, nLIGHT offers element modules up to 400 W in 200 µm fiber or 220 W in 105 µm core fiber.

We understand the importance of providing consistent beam quality, a stabilized wavelength and high reliability so that your systems can maintain the uptime that this market requires.