pearl p16
Pearl™ fiber coupled diode lasers continue to evolve with higher power and brightness. Configurable platforms enable multiple power and fiber combinations, and multiple wavelength options to offer system versatility and optimized application design. The Pearl™ diode laser maintains its unparalleled reliability and efficiency by coupling nLIGHT’s high-brightness nXLT™ high-power single-emitter diodes with a proprietary optical design for efficient fiber coupling.
The Pearl™ P16 fiber coupled diode laser offers up to 130W output power from a 200um fiber.
Pearl™ P16 fiber coupled diode laser platform is designed and manufactured to meet custom high-performance and high-reliability requirements for DPSS, Fiber Laser Pumping and Material Processing.
Patented nXLT™ diode protection for extended life
Low-current, fault-tolerant architecture
Industry-leading wall-plug efficiency >50%
Field-replaceable, PowerCore™ mode-stable fiber
Plug and play compatibility with nLIGHT’s DL system
Rod Pumping
Disk Pumping
Slab Pumping