nLIGHT Ranked Fastest Growing Company in Washington State by Deloitte’s Technology Fast 50

Vancouver, WA  September 28, 2007

nLIGHT ranked #1 on the Technology Fast 50 list

nLIGHT has been named the fastest growing technology company in Washington State in the 2007 Deloitte & Touche USA LLP’s Technology Fast 50 program. The 2006 overall revenue growth average over 2003 - 2006 for the Washington State Technology Fast 50 companies was 748%. With revenue growth of over 9,232%, nLIGHT earned the honor of being the fastest growing technology company in Washington State. The award is part of the Washington State Technology Fast 50 program, which ranks the 50 fastest growing technology, media, telecommunication and life sciences companies headquartered in Washington.

“Sustaining high revenue growth over five years is an exceptional accomplishment. We commend nLIGHT Corporation for making the commitment to technology and delivering on the promise of market longevity,” said Larry Hile, a partner with Deloitte & Touche LLP in Seattle. “We are proud to honor nLIGHT Corporation to Deloitte’s Technology Fast 50.”

"We are honored to be recognized by Deloitte for our strong growth for the third year in a row," said Scott Keeney, nLIGHT President and CEO. “Our team has done an incredible job to both sustain strong growth and build a great company.”

To qualify for the Technology Fast 50, companies must have had operating revenues of at least $50,000 in 2002 and $5,000,000 in 2006, be headquartered in North America, and be a company that owns proprietary technology or proprietary intellectual property that contributes to a significant portion of the company's operating revenues; or devotes a significant proportion of revenues to the research and development of technology. Using other companies' technology or intellectual property in a unique way does not qualify.

This year’s Washington State Technology Fast 50 program is co-presented by Deloitte & Touche USA LLP and Perkins Coie, Citibank, AH&T Insurance and the Puget Sound Business Journal.

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