LIEKKI® Passive-4/125(-PM), 0.22NA

LIEKKI® Passive-4/125(-PM), 0.22NA fibers are designed to support LIEKKI® Er-doped “4/125” fibers in a wide range of applications. The passive fibers are available as non-PM (LIEKKI® Passive-4/125, 0.22NA) and PM (LIEKKI® Passive-4/125-PM, 0.22NA) versions. The passive fibers have mode field diameters matched to LIEKKI® Er-doped “4/125” fibers are designed with normal dispersion at 1550nm. 


  • Compatibility:
    Designed to match to LIEKKI® Er-doped “4/125” fibers in mode field diameter and dispersion properties
    Normal dispersion (nominal: -15ps/(nm*km))

  • Reliability:
    Single cladding fibers feature a telecom grade dual layer high-index acrylate coating


  • Fiber-based components for Er-doped fiber lasers and amplifiers

  • Fiber dispersion management for fiber lasers and amplifiers

Available versions

Download Datasheet Passive-4/125, 0.22NA and Passive-4/125-PM, 0.22NA
Matched Er-doped fibers Er30-4/125, Er40-4/125, Er80-4/125-HD-PM, Er110-4/125(-PM)

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LIEKKI® Er125-4/125-PM


LIEKKI® Er40-3/125-HD-PM