LIEKKI® Er110-4/125 (-PM)

LIEKKI® Er110-4/125 fibers are very highly doped erbium fibers designed for short-pulsed fiber lasers. The high Erbium concentration provides a strong gain and reduces the required application length for minimal non-linear effects. This makes this fiber particularly suitable for ultra-short pulse applications.


  • Direct Nanoparticle Deposition:
    Industry leading fiber deposition process

  • Performance:
    Very high Erbium doping for short application length and low nonlinearities
    Suitable for both 980nm and 1480nm pumping
    Polarization maintaining version available

  • Reliability:
    Telecom grade dual layer UV-cured acrylate coating

  • Compatibility:
    Telecom-like geometry with good spliceability to standard telecom fibers (e.g. Hi1060 flex) or MFD-matched LIEKKI® Passive-4/125(-PM), 0.22NA.


  • Ultrashort (fs) pulsed amplifiers and lasers

  • Applications requiring low nonlinearity

Available versions

Download Datasheet Er110-4/125, Er110-4/125-PM
Matched passive fibers Passive-4/125, 0.22NA and Passive-4/125-PM, 0.22NA

Customized solutions available on request

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LIEKKI® Er80-4/125-HD-PM


LIEKKI® Yb1200-4/125